Recommended by the Reviewers Club

The Accident, by Fiona Lowe

Cover of The Accident, by Fiona Lowe.

This author has been a midwife, a sexual health counsellor and a family support worker, an ideal career for an author who writes about family, community and relationships. A recipient of the prestigious USA RITA award, and two Australian RuBY awards, Fiona writes books that are set in small country towns. They feature real people facing difficult choices and explore how family ties and relationships impact their decisions.

Published 2024 – The story is mainly about two couples, four best friends, Hannah and Jamie, Freya and Ryan in the small town of Garringarup in Western Australia. The plot revolves around an accident and the set of lies and deception it leaves behind. The story starts off slowly as it is repetitive about weddings, friendships, relationships and about having babies or not. It takes about 300 pages before the unanswered questions, lies and deceit are exposed.

3.1/5 Stars