The West Australian and Aboriginal flags flying at the City of Busselton Administration Building.

© In Sight Photography.

The City of Busselton Libraries are located on Wadandi Boodja, the land of the Wadandi people. The Wadandi people — saltwater people — are the Traditional Custodians and have lived on this land for 40,000 years.

The Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have lived on and looked after what is now called Australia for millennia before British colonisation, representing the world’s oldest continuing living culture.

Our Collection

Our adult collection contains an Aboriginal Australians section. In Busselton Library, this can be found next to the True Stories section. In Dunsborough Library, it can be found along the back wall next to Travel. Here, you will find our non-fiction books relating to Aboriginal history and culture, as well as biographies about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

In our junior non-fiction section, you can see Aboriginal Legends highlighted, which separates Dreamtime stories from the legends of other parts of the world.

Other books by Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander writers can be found throughout the library. These titles are highlighted by an Aboriginal Flag on the spine of the book.

The Aboriginal Australians section at the Busselton Library.

Recommended Reading


Storylines is an online archive maintained by the State Library of Western Australia.  It contains digitised photos and other materials relating to the Aboriginal people of Western Australia.

Representatives from the Storylines project visited the Busselton area to improve their information on the Wadandi people, and record oral histories that can be found in our Local History Collection.

Visit Storylines at the State Library of WA website.

Other Resources