The main entrance of Busselton library, with gardens along both sides of the path.


The Busselton and Dunsborough libraries are committed to access and inclusion, making sure their facilities and resources can be used by as much of the community as possible.

There are disability-permit parking spaces nearby, and both branches have completely level surfaces with no stairs. All entrances, and the passage between bookshelves, are all wide enough for wheelchair access.

For those who are unable to access the library, we also offer a home library service. Books are delivered to you, in person, as a free service. To learn more, visit our home library service page.


Maps of parking around the Busselton Library, and the Naturalist Community Centre (where Dunsborough Library is located), can be found here. These maps are in pdf format and highlight accessible parking bays, as well as any time restrictions of other parking near the libraries.


From the Busselton Library, there is an accessible toilet next door at the Community Resource Centre. From Dunsborough Library, the Naturaliste Community Centre provides accessible toilets.

If you need to speak with one of our staff, both locations have two desks. There is a low desk that is wheelchair accessible and has a seat available. The other desk is higher for those who need to stand.

The Busselton Library offers walkers with baskets to hold books, while the Dunsborough Library offers trolleys for your books as you browse the shelves. There are also noise-cancelling headphones available for loan.

A sign indicating location for disability access.
One of our self-serve kiosks, showing the accessibility button.


Our self-serve Kiosks have an Accessibility button on the bottom of the screen, which offers two options. Reach Mode brings all controls further down the screen, for those who cannot reach their standard location. Larger Text makes all text larger, if the standard size is too hard to read.

At Dunsborough Library, one of the public PCs and the catalogue PC are on height-adjustable desks, while Busselton Library offers two different catalogue PCs at different heights.


In our physical collection, we have about 2000 large print titles and 1000 audiobooks available across both branches.

Our digital collection opens up a lot more accessibility. We have a large variety of eAudiobooks, but all eBooks are also accessible. It is possible to adjust the text size, as well as switching to a Dyslexic-friendly font. Furthermore, all eBooks are compatible with screen readers. To learn more about these features, visit our digital library accessibility page.

Many books sitting on shelves, with a sign reading Large Print above them.
A card with the word suggestion on it being placed in a box.


It is always possible to contact the library to request new items. You can do this by calling either library, or through the website using our Suggest a Purchase form. If you have specific requirements (eg large print, audiobook, etc), you can list these in the Message to Library section of the form. You can also note whether you require a physical item, or if a digital item meets your needs.

Disability Access and Inclusion Reference Group

As a part of its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, the City of Busselton formed a Disability Access and Inclusion Reference Group. This group meets bi-monthly to review the whole City’s progress in improving accessibility and inclusion. The Busselton Libraries are consulting with the Reference Group to ensure they can provide the best service to the community. To learn more about the City’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, and the Reference Group, visit the City of Busselton’s Access and Inclusion page.

The Reference Group recommended the City of Busselton Libraries source an external disability audit, which was undertaken in 2023 by Advocacy WA.  To learn about what we were doing right, what we need to improve on, and what we have addressed so far, read the report on our access and inclusion review.