Recommended by the Reviewers Club

The Health Habit, by Amantha Imber

Cover of The Health Habit, by Amantha Imber.

This book is fantastic, practical and scientific. Imber is an entertaining and insightful author who explains simple hints on body health that are quite cheap, effective and quite easy to implement.

The first chapter on how to sleep well, includes strategies of consistent rise times, pre-sleep task dumps, sleep restriction re-set, the 2S rule, and light in the mornings. There are also chapters on movement, nutrition, and behaviour change. In this, Imber explains the “Hijackers” to making health habits stick; motivation, relationships, environment and cognition, providing tips on how to succeed.

Summary pages at the end of each chapter are downloadable and excellent. I learnt all sorts of easy to implement hacks, which are making a difference.

5/5 Stars