We are excited to reveal the latest addition to our eResource collection: Comics Plus. You have unlimited, simultaneous access to thousands of comics, graphic novels, and manga with no holds or waiting.

All you need is your library card number and your PIN. You can then access Comics Plus either via the website, or on a phone or tablet with the LibraryPass app.

It has items from a variety of popular publishers including Image, Dark Horse, Kodansha, Tokyopop, among many others. You can choose to access this as either our full collection, or restricted to just the children’s collection.

You can download the free LibraryPass app by either visiting the Apple Store, or by visiting Google Play. From here you can select which collection you want to see and enter your library card details.  Alternatively, you can view the children’s collection online, or the view the full collection online.

A laptop, a tablet, and a phone, all showing comics.