Recommended by the Reviewers Club

Tell No One, by Brendan Watkins

Cover of Tell No One, by Brendan Watkins.

I first heard this remarkable memoir on Conversations with Richard Fidler (Radio National).

The book tells the author’s story of his adoption by wonderful parents, but who on reaching his late twenties, decided to search for his birth parents – eventually discovering the identity of his mother who at one point had been a nun. She was very distant to Brendan and refused to divulge who the father was.

In 2018 a DNA test revealed that he was the son of a priest. The author met with considerable obstruction from the Catholic Church, and it became his mission to expose the secrecy and cover-ups of the powerful institutionalised region that has been shamefully cruel to children and women who were involved in relationships with the Catholic Clergy.

4/5 Stars