Recommended by the Reviewers Club

Wild Horses of the Summer Sun, by Tory Bilski

Cover of Wild Horses of the Summer Sun, by Tory Bilski.

Each June, Tory Bilski meets up with fellow women travellers in Reykjavik, where they head to Northern Iceland, near the Greenland Sea.

When they first come to Thingeryar, these women were stranger to one another. The only thing they had in common was their passion for Icelandic horses. They leave behind the usual troubles of home and embrace their desire for adventure. Over the years, their relationships with each other deepen, growing older together and keeping each other young. The unusual passion revels in Tory’s quest for the “wild inside her” and lasts for 16 years.

An easy read of an unusual life buoyed by the friendships of each other, and bonds with the otherworldly horses they ride.

4/5 Stars