Recommended by the Reviewers Club

Your Brain on Art, by Susan Morgsamen

Cover of Your Brain on Art, by Susan Magsamen.

A non-fiction book extolling the virtues of the arts in everyone’s daily life, from conception till death, though all walks of life and regardless of the state of well-being of the individual.

It is not a simple book to read, as it is erudite, full of references, quotations, acronyms, and physical and psychological details – not always easy for the lay person to understand. However, the basic premise is extraordinarily important. The arts of music, painting, drawing, photography, theatre, literature, dance, mime et al; enrich lives, bring joy, and help heal. They amplify social, emotional, and cognitive elements. The arts are essential to the betterment of human life.

The basic message of this book is to partake of the arts in any form, at any standard, in any and every environment to enhance our fleeting time on this earth. Difficulties notwithstanding, reading this book has the potential to be inspirational and transformative.

4/5 Stars